This past weekend was our Autumn Retreat! This has been one of our biggest events of the year, as we try and get students involved in Student Life and to see our heart behind trying to reach students for Christ. We had about 22 students that came, and it was amazing to see the Lord teaching their hearts throughout the weekend.
Our speaker, Bob, came down from Auckland and taught through the book of Colossians. He works with a ministry called Priority Associates which focuses on new graduates in the workplace. Helping them to transition and what it looks like to be Christ in their new workplaces. It was a great fit for us as we want our students to understand that wherever the Lord places them, He is calling them to live for His glory.

Here is our meeting room, getting ready for one of the talks. Apparently Sarah and I are finding something hysterical.

One of the highlights for me was the summer project fair. You may or may not know this about Campus Crusade (Student Life) but one of the big things we do is send students on short term mission trips during the summer, both internationally and domestically. I had the opportunity to go on one while I was in Uni, to France, and I can honestly say it changed my life. Doing ministry overseas rocked my world as I was challenged in the true power of the gospel and the need to take it to the world. I loved seeing how Jesus broke through cultural barriers and struggles and is applicable in all human life. And here I am today...
Anyway, maybe I should write a blog just on that sometime, but back to the summer project fair... We had students share their experiences from this past summer so other students could find out information and start to pray and see if the Lord would call them to give Him a few weeks of their summer to impact the world. (more info:
Cody and Will talking about their two weeks in Fiji
Sarah sharing about her summer in East Asia
Zoe was in Australia
and Sarah was in Nelson with us!Another highlight was womens' time, of course. We talked about women in our lives that have made an impact, and how we can carry on their legacy to make an impact on others. Preferably a positive, biblical impact :) And being the true girls we are, we then got crafty and made some cards for those women to thank them for impacting us.
I had the opportunity to lead one of our afternoon seminars on the topic of spending time with the Lord. It's neat to see how God has taught me so much in this area since I was in Uni, so it was fun to get to share some of that with our students. We had a great discussion about why it's important that we spend time with God through His Word and prayer. And then why we know it's good and still choose not to do it...and what we can do to change that :)

Ok, so maybe it was a long weekend for some of us! Just kidding, we had a ton of fun, and it was great to get to know many of our students on a little deeper level. We're still new here in a lot of ways.

And, most of the group! This was taken on the last morning, after two days of rain, mudslides, and possibly no showers. Beautiful :)