Can you believe 2011 is over! It is already the 5th and that is just starting to hit me. I wanted to do a quick wrap up of this year. As I was looking through pictures I realized we lived in New Zealand for the entirety of 2011, and what an adventure it has been!
We started last year in Nelson on summer project. We helped to staff the mission trip where 45 students came to learn how to grow and share their faith.

From Nelson we headed to (pre-earthquake) Christchurch by train...

We loved Christchurch, it is absolutely beautiful. I have thought many times this year how grateful I am to live in such a beautiful place!

A few weeks later we kicked off our campus ministry year at staff conference. Our first picture of the Wellington staff team.

We moved into a new flat...with a teeny tiny kitchen.

We went to visit wine country over in Martinborough.

Our first week on campus, we met thousands of students, and were able to share the Gospel many many times.

We celebrated St. Patricks day with corned beef - Ryan's favorite :)

Autumn Retreat was a success!

And one of my favorite, we hosted a girls craft night.

We rented a large bunny costume for an Easter Outreach:

For Ryan's birthday we went on a little road trip to the Coromandel. We survived the epic rain hike to the pinacles, and discovered hot water beach!

I spoke at our women's spa night and really enjoyed getting to spend time with the girls.

Our staff team took a team bonding trip up to Napier...and visited a winery, and Cody's mom.

Ryan and I took a weekend to ourselves to get out of Wellington. We took the train to Plimmerton for the weekend. I love public transport.

We survived the chaos of V20 - the huge international winter student conference.

We started a new American tradition, a barn dance!

Seals came to Wellington!

We went on another road trip to the farthest north point of NZ, Cape Reinga.

I took a few students to Dunedin on a vision trip and climbed the World's Steepest Street.

NZ hosted the Rugby World Cup! Everyone's world revolved around rugby for those few weeks.

And the All Blacks won!

Our staff team survived the campus year, and I love each one of them dearly.

After school was out, Ryan's parents came to visit! We had such a great time with them and were very sad to see them head back.

We hiked the Tongariro Crossing while they were here.

And finally, we headed to Thailand with 13 students for the last 7 weeks of the year. (more on this soon)

We actually spent New Years in Bangkok before heading home.

What a year! We have been blessed to live in a country where it is fairly easy to get around and we have loved exploring New Zealand, it is beautiful! We have met some great people and the Lord has stretched us and grown us. I pray in 2012 that we would be willing to walk in that same faith and be willing to be stretched even more.