

My Day - Wednesday

I start my Wednesdays by preparing for a few Bible studies.

And then I get to meet with this lovely lady!  Zoe Cook.  She is awesome.  Zoe is graduating in a few weeks, at the end of this term, and I have been going through some graduate transition material with her.  It's fun to get to talk about transitioning to the work place and learning how to pursue Christ beyond University.  Zoe is planning to stay in Wellington and hopes to pursue her music in her free time.  She's already a pretty big deal in Wellington, so I'm excited to see where the Lord takes her.

Also on Wednesday afternoon is our weekly meeting!  We aim for this to be a safe place for Christians and non-Christians to talk about hot topics and faith.  Which usually means we end up with some big debates.  But we have been having a lot of new people, so that's exciting!  It's usually a little different than weekly meetings for universities in the States, in that it isn't really a "club members meeting", but for anyone.  At this meeting we were watching a debate between Christopher Hitchens and John Lennox about the existence of God.

Afterwards our staff team will spend some time together just connecting over our week and how we can encourage one another.  We try and stop working for a bit and be friends :)  Wow, that sounded really cheesy, but it's true. 

On Wednesday nights, Ryan and I have our bible study at church.  It's really fun - we are studying Genesis.  Each week someone teaches on the passage and then we talk about our homework for the week.

Last week Ryan and I had the opportunity to teach (Ryan to the men, me to the ladies), which was totally nerve wracking, but a really cool experience. We seriously prepped for than 15 hours or so just to teach 30 minutes.  I can not imagine how pastors do that every week.  My mind was so worn out.  Anyway, like I said, good experience!


My Day - Tuesday

Tuesday!  Our team starts off our day with an hour of team prayer at a church in town.  It's usually freezing in there - hince Cherie's hat and our winter coats.  But it's so good to come together as a team and pray for the students on campus and for each others' ministries.

After prayer, I disciple one of our staff women, Cherie.  Lately we've been talking about leadership and project management - how to lead events well and students that we work with.  Cherie is hilarious, and keeps me on my toes.  I sound like an old lady when I say that.  But she's super fun, and it's great having another American to chat with :)

Next up, Tuesday morning is CSL (committed student leader) bible study with Joané, Zoe and Sarah.  These three girls have been involved with Student Life for 3 years now, and they are so great.  I love meeting with them!  We have been inductively studying the book of James this semester, and it has been really challenging for each of us.  But, they are such a joy, and I love getting to spend time with them each week.

This is a horrible picture of Sarah!  Ha, but it's the most recent I have I think.  Sarah is in her 3rd year at Vic and one of our student leaders (same as above).  I meet with her every Tuesday afternoon for discipleship and then we go sharing on campus.

We usually use Soularium, a great tool for starting spiritual convos with students.

And, lastly, I get to meet with this lovely lady last thing in the afternoon.  Emma became a Christian last year around this time, and we have been meeting ever since to talk about what it means to follow Christ and to share our faith.  We usually try and go sharing as well - she is always pushing me to keep talking with girls, after all, we could meet someone else just like her.  She is awesome and so excited to be learning about God.  I'm actually hoping to post a video of her testimony soon!

And that's my Tuesday!