


During our time in Guatemala, we had a day that we traveled to the nearby city of Antigua. Antigua is one of the oldest cities in Latin America, and actually used to be the capital of Guatemala. The city has been destroyed several times by floods, volcano eruptions, and earthquakes, and the capital of Guatemala has since been moved to Guatemala City.

We went to visit a coffee plantation and learned all about the coffee-making process. The plantation we visited supplies to Starbucks so they are basically fair-trade which was cool. They told us all about how they treat their employees well, and the conditions.

young coffee plants

After removing the seeds from their shell and washing them, they sun dry all of the beans. Yes, those are volcanoes in the background.

There is a beautiful cross statue that overlooks the city.
We visited an old cathedral that was destroyed in an earthquake. It was beautiful...the old stone and flowers growing throughout the ruins.

Ryan playing on the ruins...

Architecture and volcano...
The outside of the cathedral at night.

Antigua was really neat, it had a distinct Spanish feel to it. While we were there we actually picked up some chicks at the market for the chicken coops we were building. I wish I had more pictures of the streets, they were all cobblestone with very colorful buildings. I might have to post about that later if I can borrow some pictures :)

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