Ryan and I had the pleasure of joining his family on vacation last weekend in New York City! Both of us had never been before, and it was action packed. After flying in Thursday morning, we started the day by checking out Times Square…

And happened to find this guy!
We took a trip a few blocks south and found Wall St. We did see a lot of people walking around in suits, it was weird to think people actually work on Wall St.
(New York Stock Exchange)
And definitely had to find this little statue. We learned that the bull statue doesn’t actually belong to the city of New York, and is technically still for sale if anyone is interested.

We walked a few more blocks and saw Ground Zero. I honestly can’t believe it’s been almost 9 years since Sept 11th. A lot has changed in our world since then, and it’s hard to remember what it was like before we went through such strict airline security, and were required to have a passport, or the threat of terrorists was constantly in the news. I can’t fully explain it but just being here was very moving.
We walked a few more blocks (ok, I think we were up to walking about 20 miles at this point) to China Town and caught a glimpse of Little Italy.
After a little nap, and a delicious dinner, we were ready to head out and explore a little more. But on the way we came across…Justin Timberlake! Ok, you can’t really see him in my picture here, but I swear he is, and you can see some of the filming equipment. Times Square was packed, at midnight, with everyone trying to catch a glimpse of Justin. He was filming for a new movie or something, but still pretty exciting.

Well, that was day 1, like I said, it was action packed, but I’ll be back with days 2, 3, and 4!