

I quit.

So, yesterday, I quit my job.  Crazy?  Maybe.

I guess this is as good a time as any to announce…drum roll please…Ryan and I have decided to move to New Zealand and be missionaries. 


It feels just about as scary as it sounds.  We’ve known for a few months now, but the timing is starting to become more clear and it was time to walk away from my job. 

Today is actually Ryan’s last day of work.  It’s a big day!  We’re excited, but scared.  I’m so thankful for all of you that have showered us with support and encouragement.  There are days when I wonder why in the world we are doing this, but you all remind us why and that Jesus is worth it all.

More posts to come now that the cat is out of the bag!  I’m excited to share this journey with you :)


  1. Woah!! Two unemployed Sawries. There's a joke in there somewhere...

    In all seriousness, I'm sooo excited for you! You are in my prayers daily!

  2. Wow!!! Congratulations! How exciting! I will be praying for you and look forward to following your journey!

    Grace and Peace,
