This was a big end to the past few weeks!
1. We started off by saying goodbye to Ryan's car, which we gave away to some members of our church who are graduates of the Wheeler Mission drug rehab program. We were very happy to be able to help them out with a car, but both of us teared up as we drove away.
2. We moved some more, taking a load to Brazil, Indiana...and to Cincinnati. My head is still spinning from trying to keep track of what stuff needs to go, and what stays and where that stuff goes...
3. Saw friends from home for the last time
4. Spent time with family and said good bye to most of them for the last time. We were blessed to be able to see both sides of our family on Thanksgiving day and do a little black friday shopping :) And! It snowed! We were actually able to see snow before we headed off to NZ. And we ran into Dave!

5. Gave my car to my sister
6. Our last Indy Metro service...

I am so thankful for all of the awesome ways the Lord is moving in our lives right now, but it would be a lie to say that all of these things have been easy and I have been full of joy. My heart is heavy these days and, honestly, I cry a lot. But, I am trusting in the one that is worth all of this (and much much more). I know that we are blessed, this wouldn't be hard if we weren't. We are blessed with friends, family and awesome community. I have been focusing on this truth lately, and I pray it would encourage you as well.
I love you Katie!!! You haven't even left for NZ and already, you've touched so many. I have no idea how you are doing everything you are. I will pray for strength for you. Hope to see you Wednesday!