Happy Easter, what a beautiful day to celebrate our risen Savior! We started our morning at church, and a new friend joined us. Wang, from Vietnam, had never been to a church before and it was fun to see his excitement. He was even taking pictures on his phone. Afterward Ryan was talking to him about what he thought of the service, and he said Easter was his new favorite holiday.

After church, we walked home via the harbor, and it was nice and sunny. And I think everyone and their brother were out enjoying the sun.

So we stopped for some ice cream. Ha, a nice little Easter treat.

Later that night our friends Brandon and Jen were driving through Wellington so they stopped to stay the night with us. It was good to catch up with them and see more familiar faces. The holidays are definitely the hardest times to be away from home. But I'm grateful that the reason for celebrating Easter does not change no matter where we are. :)
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