

Stateside III

Our last stop in the States was Cincinnati to see my family!  It was the first time I'd seen my family in 18 months, which is for-ev-er!  Molly, my sister, was home the whole time we were there so we got to spend a lot of quality time with her. 

And, for one last recap, here are some photos from the iphone...

Ryan's fav Cincinnati hotspot
 outlet shopping

my dad's pina coladas, yum.

 the local dairy whip, my favorite, the 'little league'

 a new vintage store in town! 

 lots of cornhole

 we even made it to Kings Island!

 yay for no lines!

 we were able to see more college friends that live in Cincy

 family boat cruise

 my family in town before the Reds game

 the Reds game!

I miss baseball

and fireworks after the game

and, on our last night, we celebrated my birthday!  27!


  1. No joke, every time we are home Mike wants to go to Toots.

  2. What is that?! I had never been until after we were married. Maybe we can have a little meet-up there sometime?? :)
