

Women's Retreat

 A few weeks ago we had our men's and women's retreats!  We had about 20 girls come to The Street City Church and spend the night.  It was great to meet all of the new girls involved in Bible studies!  We made pizzas in the kitchen and then dessert pizzas - which actually turned out pretty gross...  Our method needs some refining :)

Here are some pictures of all the ladies...

 Sarah, Joane, and Amy

 Amy and a few new Bible study ladies

 Bronwyn and her new friend

 Harriet and Pearl

 Sara, Kudzi, Melissa and Emma

Zoe, Theresa, Ailsa, Rachel and Grace

After the pizza making adventure, we hung out all evening and just had fun.  The next morning Lauree and I both gave talks about serving and loving one another.  It was such a fun time, and I am always reminded of how grateful I am to have such wonderful women involved in Student Life!

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