

I heart NY

For the 4th of July weekend, Ryan and I went out to visit the Hartmans in New York. Ryan and I went to the Fray concert on Thursday night, only slept a few hours, and left for Niagara Falls at 2:30am (yes we are crazy). We drove up through Michigan and Canada, and met Dave and Carrie around noon. We went to check out the falls and they were amazing! Much more impressive than I remember them being. After I played around with my camera for a while, we grabbed lunch, and then decided to walk around a little more. I don't know if it was just the holiday weekend or what, but it was packed!

Us with the Hartmans

I had been to Niagara before when I was little and I chickened out on going on the tour behind the falls. So! We made the decision to give it a shot! They give you these great ponchos and you take an elevator down like 38 stories until you are almost at the bottom of the falls, and then you can walk back behind the falls and look out at the water. Pretty neat, but you get soaked!

Behind the falls!

Afterwards we went to dinner at this great restaurant that overlooked the falls and waited for them to light up at night. We were also lucky enough to stay for the 4th of July fireworks... Some people were more excited than others about the fireworks given our 3.5 hour drive still ahead to get back to the Hartman's abode. The drive back was grueling, but we made sure to sleep in the next morning. On Saturday we hung out in the local area, saw the sites, ate ice cream, and made dinner. Afterwards, we enjoyed the great Binghamton firework show :)

Binghamton ice cream

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